78,19 €CHAPTER 1. Introduction (Pages: 1-20)
CHAPTER 2. Preparations and Precautions (Pages: 21-33)
CHAPTER 3. Indications (Pages: 35-44)
CHAPTER 4. Contraindications to Stress Testing (Pages: 45-52)
CHAPTER 5. Exercise Stress ECG Test Protocols (Pages: 53-66)
CHAPTER 6. Stress ECG Testing with Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Techniques (Pages: 67-86)
CHAPTER 7. Stress Echocardiography (Pages: 87-113)
CHAPTER 8. Pharmacological Stress Testing (Pages: 115-139)
CHAPTER 9. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (Pages: 141-154)
CHAPTER 10. Stress Testing After Acute Coronary Syndromes (Pages: 155-171)
CHAPTER 11. Proper Selection of the Mode of Stress Testing (Pages: 173-189)
CHAPTER 12. Exercise-induced Cardiac Arrhythmias (Pages: 191-220)
CHAPTER 13. Complications (Pages: 221-228)
CHAPTER 14. Interpretation (Pages: 229-266)
CHAPTER 15. False-Positive and False-Negative Exercise ECG Test Results (Pages: 267-280)
CHAPTER 16. Pediatric Exercise Testing (Pages: 281-299)
CHAPTER 17. Follow-up Care and Management (Pages: 301-320)
CHAPTER 18. Value of Exercise (Stress) ECG Testing Before Engaging in Exercise Programs or Competitive Sports (Pages: 321-327)
CHAPTER 19. Exercise Prescriptions for Healthy Individuals and Cardiac Patients (Pages: 329-358)
CHAPTER 20. Computer Technology in the Field of Exercise ECG Stress Testing (Pages: 359-374)
CHAPTER 21. Medicolegal Aspects of Stress ECG Testing (Pages: 375-392)
CHAPTER 22. Educational Guide for Patients and Families (Pages: 393-406)
The go-to handbook for those performing and analysing cardiac stress tests
The stress test is key to the clinical evaluation and management of patients with known or potential cardiovascular disease. By measuring the heart's ability to respond to external stress, it can provide vital insights into the general physical condition of patients, highlighting abnormalities in blood flow, risk of coronary artery disease, and more. The Pocket Guide to Stress Testing gives cardiology professionals a complete breakdown of this everyday procedure that they can carry with them and consult on the go.
This second edition has been fully revised to reflect the most up-to-date information available on the best approaches to conducting and interpreting various forms of stress test. With chapters spanning topics such as testing guidelines, nuclear imaging techniques, and emergency and aftercare protocols, the clear and practical contents cover all aspects of the subject. This essential new text includes:
• A complete overview of exercise stress testing, covering indications, protocols, preparation, and interpretation
• Guidelines for the standard treadmill test, as well as for the various pharmacological stress tests for patients unable to complete an exercise ECG test
• An extensive list of references and reading suggestions to help trainees to expand their knowledge
• End-of-chapter summaries and new tables and illustrations
As the field of cardiology continues to change and develop apace, this new edition of The Pocket Guide to Stress Testing provides physicians, trainee cardiologists, and cardiac nurses with a reliable, up-to-date resource for use in everyday practice.