1.187,50 €The Encyclopedia of Malaria represents a vast databank of information about the study of malaria. It provides an overview of the historical, rapid, and significant developments that have occurred in malaria research, including the 2002 genome sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum and its mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae. This work provides a concise source of up-to-date research findings in the form of definitions and essays and present comprehensive coverage of topics from history to findings to diagnosis and treatment, written by recognized malaria researchers with practical experience. It appeals to a diverse audience, including malaria researchers, teachers, investigators, and public health professionals.
• There are no current books as extensive as this reference work will be
• Covers Malaria biology, treatment, and drug resistance
• Also covers Malaria related politics Edited by the Editor-in-Chief of Malaria Journal (IF 2.91)